Another Pod Opinion

Lincoln and McGyvr

May 16, 2022 Lincoln Bradshaw Season 1 Episode 7
Lincoln and McGyvr
Another Pod Opinion
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Another Pod Opinion
Lincoln and McGyvr
May 16, 2022 Season 1 Episode 7
Lincoln Bradshaw

This podcast will help shed light on the minutia from the mind and space of a black husband, father, son, uncle, and brother. Trying to answer, Why to BIG questions that keep me up at night. While also having everyday conversations with friends and family going back to my days living at home as a military kid. There’s always something on my mind, and this space is teaching me how to use it for exactly what it is.  Another Pod Opinion!!!

Artwork Provided by my son #BabyBoyBradshaw
Intro Music: 

  • Aretha Franklin - Jump To It



Roe v Wade


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This podcast will help shed light on the minutia from the mind and space of a black husband, father, son, uncle, and brother. Trying to answer, Why to BIG questions that keep me up at night. While also having everyday conversations with friends and family going back to my days living at home as a military kid. There’s always something on my mind, and this space is teaching me how to use it for exactly what it is.  Another Pod Opinion!!!

Artwork Provided by my son #BabyBoyBradshaw
Intro Music: 

  • Aretha Franklin - Jump To It



Roe v Wade


Lincoln Bradshaw:

Welcome, welcome. Welcome to another episode of another pod opinion. Hashtag APO like and subscribe. Today, MacGyver had a chance to have an impromptu conversation. Don't ask me why, but this is the second week in a row. I'm popping out an episode for the fans. For all you guys out there. I hope you appreciate this. We're talking about a couple of things that are hot in the news. I hope you liked the show and without further ado. All right, so this transgender story, okay. Just walk me through it. Just walk me through it.


Okay, there was this gentleman. I'm sorry. There was this person who was well with double murder. And apparently I'm not sure if it's right. He's got a trial yet, but he says that, yeah, this they this person identifies as a childbearing person. On the BBC, you see that?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Yeah. Let me ask you. Let me ask you this. Okay. So I kind of have one, like the one question that's coming to my mind, brother. And I don't mean to interrupt MacGyver is how did he How did this get presented in court? Like, is, I mean, that's okay. Yeah.


Okay, this is where we're headed. You know, the idea that, I just feel like this today, you know, it's about feeling it's feelings over facts. I'm not sure how tall this person is, I'm not sure how much they weigh. But I'm certain that you know, walking through before his double murdered, he was not confused with a childbearing person or a woman. And I looked at his mugshot got his full a full beard, you know, short haircut. He presents to me as what I assume a male is. And the idea that he still has the Caribbean and still got the plumbing. He can say that he is a woman. And obviously, somebody in the judicial system agreed with him, and they allow for him to be housed with biological childbearing people. And I'm really just saying that to be facetious.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

No, I hear you. Um, okay, so I'm gonna be honest with this aspect, this whole, the whole transgender thing is, is I'm not saying it's confusing. I think it's very delicate, just from the standpoint that when we talk about not living, when we just talk about living in the everyday world, you know, going into the store being out and about, right, you know, these laws and these these freedoms, you know, I'm all for I don't have hey man, that's who you want to be. That's who you want to be. I can't impose what I truly feel. I don't think it's right. I don't think I should be able to do that. And, you know, we're getting to that point where we're starting to see some things and it's making me nervous. But now that when you start talking about people who identify a certain way, right, and then they abused that from the standpoint like, I mean, if someone is on trial for killing people, and they're trying to say, Hey, I identify as this way. I mean, that's, I mean, from a legal standpoint. I mean, you have to know just just from the male to the male female aspect, right? If I'm if a person says that they're a man, and they feel as they're a woman, they want to be a woman, putting them in a woman's prison. It's with all like you said, with all the plumbing still attached. That it is touchy. I mean, I would just, I mean, I don't know how to approach I mean, I don't even understand how you but you argue that you know what I'm saying because there's gotta be something. I mean, I don't know. I digress. What do you think? Bro.


Oh, again, like I said, just saying paradigms and the way that this different paradigm, the fact that someone with the penis and testicles can be considered a woman is or, you know, take on the paper dad that, you know, you have a Supreme Court justice who can't define what a woman is even being on. And it's the senator your dad that that is a jab at this whole idea of you can decide what what fits you are only like new gender because that to me is like a made up word. Whenever you come into this world, you either got two x's, or you got an x and a y, period, point blank everything else. That's just another way to be cute queer.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

I don't know, man. Like, I'm I'm not I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. And I don't mess around in the science. But


okay, so you have children?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Yes, I got children. I'm not going that route. I'm not going that route. I'm saying from the genetic standpoint, I agree with you the two x's and X Y No, I agree with that. I mean, I we understand that, that there's a common there's a there's a base there. Well, within what do you but then what do we say?


Oh, you know, X and Y, X and X. Those are verifiable things. Those are facts. Everything else is just in a feeling or my opinion. And now of course, your opinion can't be wrong, because it's your opinion. But I'd love to see push a baby out of that. There with the Caribbean. I'd love to see, I will pay money to see.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Now I get that man, it's but I don't know, I wouldn't even know how to understand the aspect of you know, I mean, I again, I can't let me ask you this way. If I mean, you understand that you're a man, and you understand your needs, and you understand where you're at, with your your sexuality and who you are as a person, right. Okay, now, I'm just asking you to keep an open mind on this on this one aspect. If, if you come into this world, and you, you know, just and I'm just saying from the standpoint, you come into this world, and as you start to grow up, you understand what the norms are, right? Like you have your friends, and you understand, hey, these are the guy, I'm hanging out. But I'm feeling I don't know why I feel this way. I mean, there's no, I'm not saying this is for me. I'm just saying, What if there's a pot, you hear that a lot from the standpoint of when they are talking about how they feel when they were kids? And if you had that possibility, MacGyver. If that was a possibility, you felt that way? Do you not think that there's a possibility that you will, you would question your identity?


Oh, no, because whenever I was growing up there, that just meant you were gay. Right? Well, not necessarily to say that now because because I recognize that I'm gay. Everybody around me need to recognize that I'm, I'm a woman, right? As opposed to a gay man. Right? Or, you know, hey, you know, those high heeled shoes, so be looking fierce on me, I'm gonna rock one thing and was you know, you know, I might just be a little binary my thinking and I'm okay with that. But a man is a man and a woman is a woman now, whatever that man or woman chooses to do whatever they choose to live their life, that is completely up to do. But that does not change your biology. What do you think does not paying your biology certain medical emergencies require different things for for different treatments for a man versus a woman and vice versa? So now if this person is presenting as a man who has let's say, a heart issue, there are things that the doctor is gonna do. Because hey, you're a man you claim to be a man a driver's license says this, I'm gonna do this and now if they call the Jews further damage or harm or possibly death what does that leave us now? Right. You know, and just in general, like, you know, in cases like this, you have some one of the things I am friends with, I'm a woman, I feel it in my heart. I felt that way my whole life. And then they go to prison and not go to women.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Okay, so let me present this to you. So okay, you know, we're talking about this. But what happens when, like there's an issue like there's so there is a thing called the Kleinfelder syndrome, where there's two xs no Wi Fi. No, it just says I mean it's called I mean, that's not how it came out when I mean I'm looking at the information it says Kleinfelder syndrome is two x's and a y where that hermaphrodite I don't know, I'm not saying that it is. But


I think that both hermaphrodite. I think that I noticed that I believe that to be extra extra rare.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

It is it does say that it's it is rare, but it does say it has happened, right? And when it does happen, it does say it presents itself and boys, right that boys are born with this. And when it does is there's one thing as I'm looking at this, that kind of stands out, right? Like if they're in it talks about their testosterone. And it says that, yes, they may have testicles, you know, all that other stuff. But they're they will have less muscle tone, like kinda like women, right? They will have, you know, feet, the way this is reading, it sounds like they will have the make up of part of like a woman's body. Right? Because when you're talking about less muscles, and you know, having wider hips, right, like it's presenting itself that way in the fact that they have the plumbing, but their their testosterone is so low, right? Okay, like, I mean, how does that that person is growing up, and they understand, oh, man, I feel this way. But I just I looked this way. But this is what I look on the outside doesn't represent how I feel on the inside, right. And I'm just throwing that out there as an example.


And I appreciate it. And I can appreciate something like that. But that's a medical condition. And that's not to say I feel this way today.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

No, but think about it if a person is born with that particular setup, and like as rare as it is, right? as rare as that is, you still have to, I mean, if they again, I'm only saying if they are, they're given the, they're given the properties of a man. But underneath that shell is the makeup of a woman because it does say they'll have like, their chest is going to be a little larger than nipple, you know what I mean? It does say that there are things that are kind of the kind of feminine doesn't use the word feminine per se. But it says these are some attributes or things that you might see that you're going to see. And if a person is, you know, starts that way, I mean, I don't know, I'm just saying like,


Well, okay, like I said, In those instances, you know, maybe I give it a little bit more of a pass to, but I mean, that's, that's genetics at work. That's not

Lincoln Bradshaw:

right. But how do you? How should a person so do you think that person should play to the feeling to play to what people see? And, and push aside how that you know what I'm saying? Like, again, I'm only bringing the fact that if I'm born with the plumbing, and I'm presented to you that way, but I have my everything in my head and everything, you know, I'm saying, again, my attraction, and everything that I am attracted to. Isn't. You know, what I'm saying doesn't fall in line with what I look like.


I would say you're a gay man.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

There you go. Hey, I was hoping you would just fill in the blanks, man, I was like, kind of just pushing that button. Because there are feminine there are feminine gay men. Like I'm not gonna say this. Let's be real about it. There are some men who present themselves that are there. Yes, there are man, but they are dead. They just they look feminine. There isn't and I'm not I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I do not. And if you are a gay man, and you are a gay man, so what you're telling me is, and let me make sure I got this. You're saying is why are you going through all of the trouble to change? Who you were born to be? Right? Why don't you just say, Hey, I just liked this too. I like this group, I'm attracted to this type of individual. That right?


I mean, again, like as an adult, you got down cat, what do you do, you can identify as a butterfly and run around flap your arms and do whatever you want to do. But my only issue is whenever you start, you know secondly, I need to address you as Madame Butterfly as opposed to your name or you need to you know, you need to respect my respect by phenotype or you have to get those little silos and audit the biological terms that define you know, insects and things. But what do you think in your head does not determine well okay, just using that as an example, I don't know As a butterfly, let's just say that I went to work and HR said, hey, well, he's a butterfly. Now you have to accommodate him. Now I'm not doing any work, because I'm a butterfly. And I think, I think, Hey, I'm just gonna let my wings and you know, come landed on your monitor from time to time I'm gonna do ship butterflies what point do you say, hey, look, man, look, it's gone too far. Or do you just continuing to support me and my delusion?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

That's all there's a lot in there. Right? Like, I mean, I hear what you're saying. But I also caught your pause when you said, Well, what's in my mind? Shouldn't? And then yeah, but no, no man like you. But it's again, I think like as we talk about this MacGyver, this is kind of complicated, man, like for two straight men. Right? I think it's complicated. I'm not even gonna try to pretend that it's not. But at the same time, now, let me ask you this. As a straight man, is it my job to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body?


No, no, no, no, that's not what I'm saying.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

No, no, no, I'm kind of I'm just I'm just kind of like, I'm trying to just pivot just a tad, I just kind of wanted to ask that question. Because I mean, when we talk, yeah, we're talking about the transgender thing. But there's so many aspects of this that have to do with making people uncomfortable passing laws, making people uncomfortable, that they got to pass laws for people that are special, then you know, it kind of it's gonna people think that kids who feel a certain way are going to make their kids feel this way. I mean, it's,


um, you know, I get it. And you know, and I guess one of the reasons I started, you know, Angry Birds thinking, we're going down this rabbit or the rabbit hole. Of course, I read the little article heard about the prisoner. But in a family group chat, you know, somebody put in there something about transgenderism. And now I'm just saying that like, as long as people have been on the earth, right, men have been men and women have been women. So why Latin? It has worked out just fine. Now, within the last 10 20 years now, we don't know what a man is a little woman. And you know that, and that's not to negate, you know, alternative lifestyles. I mean, you look at the Greek. So you look at the Roman. I mean, that's what they did. You know, they only they barely dealt with a woman to reproduce and reproduce. Not all I'm just saying, historically speaking. So alternative lifestyles have been around for ever. Why is it now that we don't know what the man is or what a woman is? And, again, what are the supreme court justice not being able to define one? Because it's a political thing? It's not there? You don't know. I think it is he what he could not have given the right answer. And I know that and I know that he gave that answer. But it was a bad. I'm not a biologist. I'm not. I'm not a chef, but I can feel good. Right, I did.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

I hear you. But I think I don't think anything. And you know, and credit to, to tide you brown Jackson for being not only nominated for the court. But you know, select it in, in, in chosen by the Senate, and whatever. But I mean, to go through all that. I don't think she can say anything in that particular space, just because I think everybody's going to pick up it doesn't matter what it is, someone's going to find something and they're going to tear it apart. And they're going to try to make her seem like something that she's not like they did with the soft on crime thing. Like that was so ridiculous. Because when she I liked how she put it. This is the standard for this particular crime. And because this is the standard, we need Congress in the Senate to make laws to change it. Right. And she kind of put it back on them because they kind of did a roundtable you know, all the news stations, except Fox News, of course, did around thing was a hey, man, we look at this judge, and this judge has done this, and this is a Trump appointed judge, and this judge has done that Trump appointed judge, and they kind of go down the list. And they say, she falls basically in the parameters. Now. You and I both know, they had to do that. They had to, they had to go after her. They had to make her look, whatever they wanted to do. They had to pick something and they couldn't you know, and I thought that they were smart in their strategy. Because I mean, because how else do you how do you approach that black person? Democrat? Oh, she's letting everybody get off.


Okay, so Mohammed says, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna wait for the means. But it's midterm election. But I mean, as far as I go, like, for me, it's like I said, again, you know, it's one. Okay. Joe Biden said he's gonna nominate the first black, female woman, whatever to the Supreme Court, but then I'm putting you on the you know, you have to go through the process. This is really see the compilation here, this part of the process. And you know, the reason that you're here is because this man said, he is going to put the first black female, woman, whatever, on the Supreme Court. So that's one of the criteria is what are the criteria for you being here do being a child bearing person, female of you know administrating person, whatever you want to call it. You don't have a penis and testicles. That's why you're here. What? I'm sorry, this is one of the criteria that we put in place on. And even if you can't tell me that, you can't explain to me what a woman is. Like I said to me, it's just an errand. It is kind of a gotcha question. I'll give you that. But my point too, is you got to be a Portland, Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America for life, you are going to be asked tough questions, or you're gonna have to make tough decisions. This part of the process, if you can't sit here and get grilled and feet across the head with questions, you probably don't deserve. That's my personal opinion on that. I don't want the weak person sitting up here. You know, hey, we need to decide you decide and vote on whatever. No, you need to be tried, you need to be tested. You need to be fireproof for a position like that. So. Okay, so going into an interview, because that's basically what that is. You got to be listening, they ask you to tough questions. What are jobs that I had? You know, it was like, hey, it was the Kobayashi Maru Star Trek test. Yeah, it's an impossible situation, you can't solve it. But that's one of the things that you are at, you're asked to do to prove that you're worthy of even working here. That doesn't, I think, yeah, there is no solution to this problem. But I need to see that you were able to work through it. I do have a methodology to solve this problem. So what I got from like, what I got from the liberal side of things, it was like, Oh, my God to be so hard on her they should be on the Republican side, right? Oh, my God, I can't believe this. Right. You know, you can't tell me what a woman is. But again, you know, you're not you're not you're not taking the job as a McDonald Cassia. So being able to count from one to 100 Ain't necessarily, you know, necessary. But I digress. I think

Lincoln Bradshaw:

you did. Man. You did. I feel like what you're saying it, I hear everything, but at the same time, again, well, how do you answer that question? Oh, a woman is, well, a woman who can anybody who can have children. I can push and push a baby out of her body, anybody that can push a baby out of their body as a woman. And then now then the next thing, you know, they're gonna be like, Oh, so you're telling me that now that if I if I transmit, you know what I'm saying? Like, she that's an impossible situation, because then they're gonna go, they're gonna, they're gonna think that, Oh, she just opened the door on this hole, blah, blah, blah.


And again, and, again, political. That's why I can't answer the question. Right. And, but, but a lot of follow politics for a long time. And you know, sometimes I'm, you know, again, like I said, I shifted my complete train of thought a little while ago, about maybe like, in the last five years, or more, but, you know, I'll sit back and look at, you know, a confirmation here. And you just go back, I mean, just just as an extra that you can do in your own time just passively. How many people answer the damn question that they're asked if they'll be confirmed? I'm talking about, you know, hey, well, I'm so glad you asked me that question. Because I have a whole lot of ideas and how we can, you know, we can accommodate this issue that was bought up there. You know, this and the third Oh, excuse me. nominee. It's a yes or no question. Yes. Yes, Senator, I'm so glad you asked me that question. I think it's a great question and I'd love to answer that question and I'd be happy to work with you once I confirm to answer that question for you. No, did you will not get a yes or no out of these people. You don't know where they stand. They that's one of my big

Lincoln Bradshaw:

So as we talked about, transition to our next topic on this one thing, the abortion?



Lincoln Bradshaw:

Your thoughts, your thoughts on tell me your thoughts? And how do you think this is going to play out?


My thought? Now that question is a little bit more on, you know, I think like my personal opinion or my opinions on what's what's going on with it, or

Lincoln Bradshaw:

I want you honestly, to kind of dial it down. I would rather I would rather than just you tell me how you feel about it. Like, I mean, from the standpoint of Do you agree, disagree? I mean, how do you think the with them passing this law and taking these rights away? I mean, not even just taking the rights away, but just telling women what to do. By Oh, I just, just from that standpoint, like, when I look at them, when I look at this particular thing that's happening? I don't I don't know. I seriously don't think it's a right left deal. I push this I purposely think that this is people trying to tell women or men trying to tell women what to do. Because I mean, think about it, we go all the way back to the the founders of this country. I mean, really, men have all white men, white, and have always done whatever they want it. And then it wasn't until, you know, the whole thing. We're not only after slavery, but then once once white women wanted rights, they kind of slid in on that civil rights thing. Right. And then they had the women's suffrage movement, because they needed the vote. And then, you know, during that same time, wasn't a soldier soldier, wasn't she there and they told her not to speak. Because they weren't they wanted to make the women's suffrage movement about white women. Not all women.


A whole lot to unpack here.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

I'm gonna leave it there. Go ahead. Tell me your thoughts.


Okay, III myself personally, pro life I was not always again paradise just in the way that I'm saying. Right. So me personally, I'm completely fine with it was you know, every time this this this topic is broke, okay, it was what about racing instead? Okay, so I'm not saying that those things don't happen but I'm talking about what about the hot girl summer winter spring fall all the wet that they swing in day in and day out? Me personally? I probably wouldn't have told me like you know, I wanted to wear a condom I want some bra I wanted to grow I'm saying that like no no so the idea of it just being like oh my god all these abortions are needed because it's rape and incest no it's not women have been freer and this is the most free they have been we've been on Earth you're gonna tell me that you as a CEO can't tell a man no or put a condom on or we don't know how many forms of birth control are there I mean, IUDs the pill condoms. Other places to put things

Lincoln Bradshaw:

they used to be the sponge


that you just find I mean, there's contraceptive is not a thing and I'm personally first off that contraception is not an issue. Pick one. I mean, you can literally try a different one every time one of the biggest things that bothers me is the idea of it being so black women as health are women in general but black women specifically as health care.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

What do you mean by soldier black woman is health care.


That, you know, abortion is our health care. Like, like, like like, you know, abortion is like the Affordable Care Act is healthcare. Right? How will the health care when somebody dies? As black people were told constantly, we will consider the population or third people for their population. We're a minority. But we bought more with children than any were born. They were avoiding our majority. We're avoiding go people that have helped make a chain for us. We're avoiding these people coming off healthcare and I don't know if he's into the rally that have been going on in DC in places like this here which is like you know what? Sometimes and I've had two abortions and I'll give you I'll give any woman one it's funny the second one to me. You got pregnant the first time and you know how to happy

Lincoln Bradshaw:

yeah, you know, that's that's valid right like people should be and yeah and I see what you're saying like people should be more responsible with what they're doing


and then I would also take a look at that oh the repeat okay today, Roe versus Wade was based on the frickin ladder doesn't say most people don't carry tags the one the one that was in the middle of this court case like I said it was great black and Latin and that person wasn't having an abortion

Lincoln Bradshaw:

well Oh, that's right. She did say that. Oh, wait, she but she did say that. I do. I do vaguely remember that.


So we have this landmark legislation based on a frickin last and then okay, so we got this Roe vs. Wade over there. Oh, and another thing is, it doesn't make it illegal. It just kicked me back to the States. So if you live in a state where they're cool with abortion, like I'm asking like New York, Illinois, California you know, what are the big blue states? You gotta be fine. You live in a you know, Republican conservative Bible bill comes back yeah, you might want to rethink your hot girl promo. So and this is one of those things to me that's like, the media portrays in certain ways. Oh my god. Take advantage of abortion for everybody. Duquesne no one can fit in white man. Oh my god. But that's not what it says. It just says hey, whatever states you think this is going to department whether they allow abortion or not. That to me again, this is one of our you know, when I talk about when I railed against, like the mainstream media or you know, when people ask me well, how the hell did you come to that conclusion? They'll say I got the pad as a single man with no kids. I can do the research.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

That's true. Hey, you know what, though? I'm looking this up now. Roe v. Wade. And the original lady you said her? Her accuser was black right?


That's what he said. He said he was raped by a black man. Well, black man might have been more than one

Lincoln Bradshaw:

me see here. Yep. It says contrary actually this was on lit effect. I don't know what the website is. I don't know if his right wing or left wing. But the article says contrary to claim break ever mentioned in Roe v Wade proceedings and did not form basis of case with Roe v Wade back in the headlines and talking about being debunked. It says Roe v Wade happened because a woman lied about being raped by a black man.


That there we go. There we go. So you got to pull this so call constitutional right at all women that have we will first of all you got to help. 14 last, right, right now, but again, and everybody likes it. Nobody. Everybody's listening to the new nobody's actually dialed in and kind of see what what they're actually talking about. And of course, uses left leaning or right leaning, but nobody's going off the back. Everybody's going over how they do somebody's just been repealed divorce. Oh my god, I can't believe it. Or it was like bow friends. You know, but nobody, like I said everybody's jumping on, oh, women's rights and women's rights to understand the third. But like I said, No, no, nowhere in there. Does it say that. Abortion is illegal. It just says it's up to the state. And again, if I'm saying like, you know, the way it's presented in the media, and depending on what kind of media you listen to or read, these are the messages that you're gonna get. So are you is on are you misinformed or are you on the phone?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Yeah, you know, and when I think about it, some of these things like you know, again, it's, it's the absence of details, right? You just know of Roe v Wade, you because of, you know what you knew growing up for the most part, and I do recall, but it didn't. I didn't I did not remember it until you said and I was like, there was something about this story. And I remember looking I was like, Yeah, huh. And I don't think it I don't think it ever. I don't think it kind of stuck in there because it wasn't a big deal. I just remember they were talking about and something happened I just one of those things that you just kind of just in one ear and out the other.


Well, maybe it didn't fit the narrative. Exactly. You know.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

So you're saying so now you're saying based on the fact that this is Roe v. Wade is basically you're telling me was based on a lie. And it was about it was about preventing interracial, basically an interracial baby being brought to this world.


Or the fact that you know, okay, well, I'm gonna frame it this way. I'm a white woman. I was raped by a black man. I'm pregnant. I don't want to have this baby. Okay, okay, that's fine. Let's say, Yeah, I'm cool with it. Not i I'm guessing that the real story was I was out there, you know, living my best life. And I think Sam needs to hooked up with this do it didn't work out. And I don't want to be so.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

That sounds a little more plausible.


Okay, I'm just saying this now I I mean, you know, we can you know, oh, look at the tail of the tape. Let's understand. Let's tape.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

The tape. You're bringing up our man. Boxing references. Oh, my goodness. He's comparing boxing references to and I can tell I can no verbal sparring here. I'm enjoying it. So yeah. So let me ask you this, then. With all that, knowing all of that, right, and understanding what's still coming forward, just just from the standpoint of, regardless of the how the law became enacted, right, or whatever, how are they? How are they labor, jurisprudence? Whatever are precedents that was currently set? Do you still think that men should be telling women or not even men? Do you still think that people should be telling other people what they can and cannot do with their bodies? Like that? And just in general? Like, I'm just saying


it in a row? No. And I would say, once upon a time, way back in 2021, there was a vaccine mandate. Now I'd like to I'd like to, you know, it was like, hey, you know, my body my choice? Nope. They ship or else? What do you think will happen to my body? My thought?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Well, it seemed like it was obvious. Obviously, it only seems to work, when it's not putting other people are at risk.


So baby, Dan is putting somebody at risk? No, I'm

Lincoln Bradshaw:

saying I'm saying involving someone else. Like meaning like, there's my choice? No, no, like, I understand I understand that aspect, what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the masses, right? Like, it does what I do. If I if I'm, if I'm contagious, if I'm sick or regardless, right? Or you can pick a number of situations.


When I was comparing those two, I mean, I'm telling my body, my thoughts. I mean, I'm seeing that on the view. I'm seeing that on people protest, and I'm saying no, and then that vein of like, you know, my body my toys, you know, whether it was for a vaccine mandates or whether it be for abortion, right. And so I'm saying like, you know, it is things like the same people that was just like hell with your right, you know, about this vaccine and are the same people come up my choice, my money, my body, my choice when it comes to abortion? I don't say I need those people to pick a side and stand in it. Is either your body your choice, or it's not?

Lincoln Bradshaw:

Correct? No, I'm with you. That that's, I mean, you are right. I mean, I can understand that. Yes. But now the key to that is that is only good. If it doesn't affect the masses. That's, that's my take on what's happening. That's just like when we talk about those when we talked about the vaccines and all that stuff. Look, people still have to go to the grocery store. People still have to go, have to have to live their lives and go to work. But in order to do that, I can't Go and infect 1000 people. So, um, so I'm saying is yes, you can choose not to do that. But if I'm giving you the option of dude, you got to wear a mask, or you got to get vaccines you got to pick because it's not just about you, it's about everybody else. What do you tell my my life at all about me like killing me, man.


But, but it was a serious instinct, you know, I mean, it's, you know, it can't be one thing one time or another on the other side. Okay, it is or it is.

Lincoln Bradshaw:

No, that's, I mean, that's fair. I mean, I understand the thought process, I truly do. But the one thing I still come back to is, is I can understand from an individual standpoint, my decision affects me, and doesn't affect those who don't know, right, like I can, I can do whatever I want to do. But at the same time, if I have a decision that's that I need to make, and I can walk outside and my decision doesn't affect the masses. And I can say, you know, then then I can go with that. But if my decision now affects a bunch of people and people can possibly be hurt by my decision, meaning the people across the street every time I go into a grocery store, like these are these are things that are going to affect then you know what, someone's got to make a decision. I mean, a couple


with that. Now, whenever they had a lot of things like this, they had like senior hours, like grocery stores, like if you're not stay here, you got to wait to whatever time we can come up in here. Right? Can we do the same thing was back versus on back? That way nobody puts anybody in danger as opposed to send somebody to about somebody you're going to hurt me bring me to protect it you know, I mean, not to say that you know, theory society that way but I mean, there is there is there is no one one size fit all solution. Maybe we just try a hodgepodge. Let me just, you know, whatever. As far as like that goes, but I can't tell you how many people came up to me tell myself told I don't want to

Lincoln Bradshaw:

know, man, I it. I hear it, too. But you know, the funny thing about that, you know, and I will say that Dave Chappelle said it the best when he says, Why are they don't want to wear a mask now. I mean, they warm in the 40s in the 50s. It's not like it's changing that much has changed. I mean, they walked around with them hoods on all the time. Now. We're asking them to put something over their face and they're they're hooting and hollering about it.


No, no, I'm not okay. They only been a mess. But if you want to wear your hood, I want you to put it on. I want to know who he was personally speaking