Another Pod Opinion

Lincoln and George

September 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 11
Lincoln and George
Another Pod Opinion
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Another Pod Opinion
Lincoln and George
Sep 08, 2022 Season 1 Episode 11

We sent out the message and The Whomst Podcast host an creator, George Collings answered. Approximately a month ago we tweeted out looking for guest for upcoming season 2. Within in a few I got my first hit. Welcome George Collins, stand-up comedian who decided that Texas was going to be the landing spot after deciding , Vegas ✌🏾.  

We catch up with writer/comedian for a first time sit down....over the phone.

George Collins - The Whomst Podcast

#APO, #anotherpodopinion, #futureisBLACK, #BlackPodcast, #contentcreators, #podcasting, #podernfamily, #comedy, #Comedians, #standupcomedy, #blackcomedians, #blm, #blacklivesmatter

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We sent out the message and The Whomst Podcast host an creator, George Collings answered. Approximately a month ago we tweeted out looking for guest for upcoming season 2. Within in a few I got my first hit. Welcome George Collins, stand-up comedian who decided that Texas was going to be the landing spot after deciding , Vegas ✌🏾.  

We catch up with writer/comedian for a first time sit down....over the phone.

George Collins - The Whomst Podcast

#APO, #anotherpodopinion, #futureisBLACK, #BlackPodcast, #contentcreators, #podcasting, #podernfamily, #comedy, #Comedians, #standupcomedy, #blackcomedians, #blm, #blacklivesmatter


Welcome to another pod opinion it is your host Lincoln Bradshaw, Episode 11. Man we are getting through And aren't we? Well, this episode is based on a tweet I put out while I was on vacation, looking for guests who wanted to be on the show. And like, right when I put it out within five to 10 minutes, you know, this gentleman hit me up. And I said, Okay, let's do it. So not gonna give anything away. I'll let the show do all the talking. And without further ado


Bobby Jones


Hey, so um, so I'm basically I'm so I'm from really All right. All right. We're rolling. All right. So from North Carolina and row. You have gone out there the past welcome. Today on another pot opinion. I have my guests out of Texas but from the van from Vegas and St. Louis. It's George from the lungs podcast. George, welcome to another pot opinion.


Good man,


I appreciate having you. I'm glad you're able to come on. So normally how we started the show, and I haven't done this in a while but I've been wanting to come back to it is the icebreaker. So are you a barbecue guy? And if you are, couple of years going to see the family and man I have never once are you a rubber sauce guy?


I think a more or less false, honestly. Because sometimes it can be like a little too much is like like a little bit too much seasoning sometimes. I don't know at the end it just has to be done. Right? But like, you can't go wrong with good sauce. Because if your sauces No, now now like counting messing it up a little bit. Because you'll need that to in my life seen a fast food barbecue joint ever. Like be good. That's right. I'm confusing myself. I'm still a sales master. it can, bro


they did it is in North Carolina. They did it there's a place called the cook. I think it's called the cookout. It is literally a duel drive thru barbecue spot. Shout out to the folks in North Carolina. But yeah, I don't know how to do it. I don't know either. But you know, man, I got some of the craziest thing on the menu. Like they got peach cobbler shakes. They got blueberry ice cream shake. I'm like, that's basically a brother's worst nightmare.


I can't do it no more. They're not in my.


Alright, so as we go along with this. So really quick. I just wanted to ask you a couple questions as we go about, you know, to the show is kind of like talking to keeping it as real as possible. A no holds barred, you can let you can let it all out at once. But But the first question I wanted to ask you, George is tell me your thoughts on the 45th president leading the fifth for six hours. I really want to talk to somebody about this. And I wanted to know what you think What's your thoughts on it? We're


on the 40 foot. Okay. When you talk about this whole thing, we're kind of like going into this place. Yeah, we're working on it. Yeah. Because Because usually kind of like you know, like on Instagram with like, somebody do something wrong. And they kind of comment so that I think that's what they do is the same thing. It's like they know they did something wrong. But they don't want to like they don't want to make comments on it. You know, he did something wrong. He messed up real bad.


But what's even crazier is is oh, so check it out. The thing that caught me off guard was not only so the day he was doing his depo in New York, right? Not only was you sitting there for six hours plead the fifth but do that the same time Merrick Garland sent the troops down there to pull you know to raid his spot. Right You don't I'm saying like okay, and then the other thing was a follow up to that was did you hear about that? Cat did like attacking the Cincinnati FBI office or attacking an FBI office with a nail gun and getting Murat No. Oh man. Yeah.


Wait for somebody to say one of the FBI people for going into the Trump place.


Alright, so this is the story story is that this guy who was an actual Trump supporter who was literally in DC at the January 6 Riot the insurrection he's one of those dudes right Oh nice. II after the raid and after all that stuff came out on on Twitter and Marjorie Taylor Greene and everybody you know, whatever up in arms about it. This guy decided to arm himself with a nail gun and go and attack some the local FBI office in his area and then in the name he killed this dude


that he deserved as a terrible plan, like not even a real gun. No saying like some real people. Like that'll make no sense Come on now.


That don't make no sense like bro like soon Seems like you're gonna Okay, I get it. I mean, you're hardcore for this one dude, you can't see the writing on the wall probably got barely a high school education. Right? And your only thing you all your information is coming from that tube. Right, bro like, your whole


personality, the whole personality is in jeopardy.


Exactly. You gotta go do something. Exactly. And I can. Honestly I'm thinking to myself, how did he muster up the courage to say that I'm going to load up my Mailgun locked and loaded, and Hong Kong to start, I'm gonna just start putting hold. Like, I


want, like half a natty light. Come on. I don't think that much.


Exactly. And not only that, but not only is that not a well thought out plan, like, bro, it's not that serious. Right? And this, that's just me.


For let's be real, even, even if Trump pretends to be on your side, like he already is, politicians don't really care about us, is all about them. So it's like, the colors don't even matter. This is all about them. Like you. You take into the things that he's personalities and be there for. At the end of the day, all they wanted to tax money was like, we were all the same. We're all we're all the gears.


Man. You know, you brought up a good point. You know what I just learned about the state of Arizona, which is where I'm living now. So I just I read this article that the the economy in Arizona is so weak, that if we if we got rid of the prison labor system, our economy would fold. Because our economy Yes, in Arizona, like our economy in the Phoenix area needs are would fall apart without prison labor. Like, I don't even understand that. Like there's, I mean, Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the country.


And it's like, well, it's all your whole foundation is based off of slave labor, basically. I mean, all America basically the way I feel like


like I've been in and so get this in the thing in Arizona, do they do this thing with the pink jumpsuits like they rescued cats and pink jumpsuit send them out there in a heat? It's tent city, they're outside? Like, I think like 18 hours a day. And like there's there's no getting away from it in Arizona heat in Arizona heat. And, um, and not only that, but I still come back to how is it that our economy, I'm like, first of all, the article that I read, it says each the state has basically paid this company, they pay $85 a day per inmate. And so I'm thinking to myself, Okay, well, I understand all that. But how does that affect the economy? And I'm not an economist, I literally just don't know, yet. But I'm like thinking to myself, wait, so are you telling me that all the dudes that are working on the highways, all the dues that you see picking up? Are you saying those are all that's that's those are prisoners, bro, you know what I'm saying?


He doesn't be like that in the same way in Vegas. It was like a nothing was a prison people. But you see, you see that a lot. It's just like a group of people. They just kind of like got like real old school television. Nothing down. Not nothing. Like


a Come on, man. When you said old school televisions, you can say a dead cat still watching TV. They're still clicking their channels.


Right? They'll have to get up and in turn the knob.


Oh, man, you know, what did I know? I started with the 45th president and all that stuff. But you know and as I'm looking at the politics landscape, I mean, I don't know how where you fall at. But is it getting a little ridiculous? The the amount of nonsense that I that you see just on TV? Like Like what are we really doing? Like I'm trying to ask that question


it's all a person everybody got a person to hold it is like a big ol reality reality TV show at this point I want to talk to you don't really follow politics, politics a lot as you can see me explain it was like, Alright, I just wanted to be on Twitter. I follow a bunch of them just just to see what they say. And you know what they say they don't really believe it. So they just saying it just for like, the likes and stuff like this. All these people are basically Instagram models. They just saying whatever is trending at the time. So they all think and the only it'll make sense. So now like it's kind of like Arizona. It's kind of the whole foundation is on like really weak news right now.


Like really weak. Man and you know, and so, I mean, I don't know I haven't really paid and I'm when I talk about politics, man, I'm not that well versed. in it. I just I literally, I will tell you this. I literally started paying attention when Donald Trump got elected. Now I paid attention when Obama was president. I mean, come on. Now. I got my Essence magazine when that brother and his family became president. Oh, yeah, I got my collection item. You don't think that? I don't


know what the same thing? Honestly. Yeah. When when when Trump came in, I give him that. Because of how outlandish it is. He did get me into like, I guess I have to pay attention now. Just in case. You kill us. Oh, like I don't. I have to. So


Right. Yeah. And you know, and so now I'm now you're 200 shows into his so you've been doing your show? For what? A couple years?


Yeah. For like, now. Yeah. Now five years. Yeah.


Wow. And you know, so, you know, as we talked about Donald Trump, and you know, him getting me more aware of what's going on politically. He was really the main reason why I started my show. Like he made Yeah, he was a big, he was a big reason why I started like, because I started feeling like the black boys was getting drowned out a little bit like, like, the things that are important to the black community, things that are important to me as a father of raising two black boys. You know what I mean? Like, I just felt like the races have this.


You said you said trauma, but you said me, I'm Oh, no. Jesus Christ. I'm like what Homer we're doing? What family dog guy?


Exactly. Right. Okay, so, yeah. So I mean, not only that, but it was it was just like, I felt I don't know about you. But just within the last four years, I feel like there is a voice that is it just needs to be heard from people of color. You know what I mean? And that's just that's just kind of where I'm at, you know, from the standpoint that I think that there are so many aspects that are affecting not only just people of color, like just my family, but it's just making them aware, like, growing up. I mean, I mean, I don't know, growing up, I know that I had an awareness about the police. I don't know about you.


Oh, yeah, I keep I keep a keen eye on them. Exactly.


You got to write.


Let's keep aside, I don't really make contact with them.


Exactly. I got your my peripheral. That's all I need to do. To keep you I can keep an eye on you.


The drugs in my pocket or in my pocket? Exactly.


Yeah, and so I'm just into me, I look at the whole political landscape. And I'm like thinking, and I didn't really understand a lot of the laws. Like, for instance, everybody talks about, you know, the second and then everybody talks. But man, did you know, like, when you look at the deeper meaning of something like political landscape, I did not realize that most of the laws are built on some type of way to keep a specific group down.


Oh, yeah, of course. Then they just like into into, they start getting like pointed out, they don't keep it the same way. Exactly. And we are slowly doing it like, well, Black Lives Matter is a really bad example. Because apparently they steal money too, from us. So but I'm just gonna use that example here. That's the first one. They point out like gun laws and stuff like that. So they'll change. So we just need more groups like that, who don't steal from us to like, like, that just happens all hours, it's gonna take a while. It's gonna take a lot of old white folks to die for us to change up the laws and laws, but like, yeah, it's gonna take a minute, but we're gonna get it.


Do you think that you mentioned Black Lives Matter? Let me ask Do you think that? Do you think the end result is what do you think the what what people say about them is what's hurting them? You know what I mean? Like for me, but let me back it up. Do you think the money aspect is only thing people are focusing on with Black Lives Matter?


Honestly, yeah, because they're supposed to anyway, I'll do more research myself, but they're supposed to their whole plan was gathering money and sending it out to like, black communities help and help out with more and more black folks getting killed or they're being segregated in general, doesn't those who are supposed to be but know, from at least from my knowledge, anyway, the money is really just going to like, their inner circle, right? Their family. She even said it herself really? Well, my family gotta gotta eat. If you just said it ourselves. I'm like, Yeah, I don't think that that's not really that well with the plant. Right?


I say, All right, then let me ask you this. How different is that than any other? Like, why Oregon? I can't I don't want to see white organization. But let's say like, how's that? How's that different from anything else where people are trying to raise money for an awareness? I mean, you don't I'm saying from the standpoint like people all get paid. And yeah, Don't point. I mean, I just, I don't know, I personally don't think the money's an issue. I think that because of the simple fact of where they stand, right, and because of when they came out and how they came out, I don't think they had, I think it was hard for them to do be able to do anything, with the end result not having some type of tarnish meant against their name, just because of glitter black folks. I mean, come on. I mean, they were gonna find something now. Oh, it's


definitely gonna be hard to like, Please, everybody, but like, I think because they put so much effort, their message of just, yeah, we're gonna help all like their message in Messenger. Like, if the date was they were just there to like, raise money for the family. It was real about it, they probably wouldn't have raised that much money. But like, I don't know, it's all about just the messaging and just being transparent, and they wasn't transparent.


Do you think Black Lives Matter? Was a bat? Do you think that you not agree with the philosophy or what the group stands for?


I stand for what they what they initially stand for, but I don't know what they stand for anymore.


Now you bring them in, did you bring up? You bring up a super important point? How did we lose that? Like, like, everybody knew what they felt when they first came out? Everybody knew what they stood for. Right? How did it so in your mind, when do you think that changed?


Even Okay, let's say in a perfect world, did their message mean actually was trying to help out? I think even would mean. Okay, let's say like Bill Gates, you you remember, like, the default COVID thing is he's supposed to be helping raise money. And I felt like that would be he started getting backlash. And people saying, Oh, he's just buying farms. And he's just like, laundry and money. So like, me personally, if I had that type of money, and I know, I'm trying to help out, then I'm starting to get all this negativity. I'm like, alright, well, I'm just gonna start using the money. Like, I think I am, like, I'm just gonna, like, I'm trying to help and you're, you're really messing up my message. And you're thinking negative so I can make the move that I'm supposed to. So demand


is why you make it says, Man, and it's a lot.


So it's like, okay, first of all, like, they might have had a message, and he was making the move. But then people started saying, are they still in, they just, they just take care of the family. And it was like, alright, you know what, this is too much. I'm just gonna keep holding my like, in to a small point, I kind of understand it. But like, I think that's, I think that's probably where they went. You know, it doesn't make it right.


No, it doesn't. And, you know, the hard thing about it is, in me my messaging with when I hear Black Lives Matter, man, I still, I still, for some reason, I'm still thinking of what the original message is. And when people bring up all this other stuff, I'm like, man, get out of here with all that, like, I honestly kick rocks with that. Because I mean, you can argue and say whatever you want. But I mean, but but the movement is real, whether or not folks are getting paid at the end of the day. I don't really I never really harped on the money from the standpoint because I looked at it as like, Oh, if people want to donate to that, cause and those people are doing, doing whatever they're doing, and she's, she's like, helping. I mean, I mean, they made a lot of they raised a lot of money. I mean, she's, I mean, my understanding. Again, I gotta research this, my understanding. She's running she she basically got thrown into a multi billion dollar conglomerate, like base like in a short amount of time, and they gotta they gotta manage all that right. I mean, they will probably get money left and right.


You don't understand it's probably just a lot at the same time, but I think they probably did. They did a better job of like, being transparent with what they were doing. That's, that's I think that was my biggest thing. Yeah. The money from what I learned anyway.


All right, and so that in really quick so then do you think what is worse? Or what do you think got more traction Black Lives Matter in their money? Or Donald Trump asking money and taking money from his sending out text messages asking people to donate to his slush fund


I think the Black Lives Matter thing got more traction honestly. Go ahead. And they like really are like Who What are you doing no matter what he might take some money for they are they he got he got more loyal followers. Compared to like the people that follow Black Lives Matter. It Yeah, it is. But like, hey, that's just how it is. I think if it was the people who who follow black lives matter a lot more flaky who like just like, kind of like how I just said, the moment I hear that, Oh, are you still in money? Like you put me into mannequins and like, your family is like I don't want to happen to the original method. Alright, I'm done with it. Like so you got more Memorial follow? Are there Yeah, so I got less crap for what was it again? This


is slush fun. He's all about Trump Trump's fault yet oh man that sending the text messages Hey donate to the donate to the something it was he was asking for money for his was asking for money for something and they were for the track all their voting stuff. What? The legal fee. That's what it was.


Yeah. And I think the people that follow him or just like more aware that the money is gonna get to him can go either direction, because he's a businessman. He's a billionaire. He knows what he's doing. So if he takes his money and put it somewhere else, I trust him. Like, that's just the same.


If they're his followers are saying that I'm like, Oh, man. All right, whatever. I


guess I'm just basing it off of what I see on Twitter.


I got you. I got you. Alright, man, I'm gonna pay. So I wanted to kind of break this up. But I want to be able to pass the mic give you an opportunity to spit something if you want to, like let's talk about something that's on your side of the planet.


You broke up for like two seconds.


Oh, I was saying I wanted to pass the mic to give you an opportunity to bring something to the table like this. Chop it up about something that you got it on your mind. Oh, come on, man. I know there's a it ain't gotta be anything. We can just chop it up. Like literally like, Okay, I got stuff for days, bro.


Okay, because I kind of just came back from like a hiatus on my show. You did? Yeah. So I've got like a bunch of episodes that go to the terminal. And wonder where to stop this I talked about and he woke him up for like, another month or so. You heard about the Keto boys. Okay. Okay to kill boys is I think it's something out of like Columbus or something like that. Or like his world sees and you don't really expect, like, you see, like gang related stuff. The key of boys are a bunch of teenagers who, from a tick tock trends start filling heels in hon days.


Oh, no, I'm looking at it now.


Yeah, so it's like a bunch of they'll teach them teach other people how to do it. And they'll steal it not the white part, at least for my understanding. Just like joy, run, run, destroy people cars, and kind of like robots a day. So I go about, like, 20 minute rant. I mean, there's like, because I do Baldwin. Akiva, literally, yeah, I live in Texas. So it's like, it's not really that big of a deal here. So by like, well, I got two bosses. And then my cardinal was like, 600 bucks. I'm like, I don't have a problem. This one sound messed up. I have a problem shooting 14 or other things. Like don't put too much stuff. Right, right. We not can we I try to make it as funny as I can. But it's like it's really hard to like, hey, or murder child.


Yeah, I don't think I don't think that's gonna go over too. Well, I think you may have seen Yeah. Yeah,


maybe maybe a little bit better here in Texas, but like everywhere else. So yeah, there's just this whole thing is like, hopefully the trend goes away. Because I'm already paranoid with people stealing catalyst catalytic converters. That still makes it Yeah, that's


been a big deal. Yeah, everybody's stealing the catalytic converters for the copper.


Yeah, so I'm like, no, like, two things. I'm like, come on. Just how about we just not that people stuff. And besides that, and doing stand up comedy, that's only thing that's really been on my mind.


I saw that I was hoping you'd mentioned I saw that you had stand up comic in your bio. So bro, you you begin out there on the stage?


Well, not recently, but like, Yeah, I've been doing it for like eight years. So real, but because of like COVID. And now, monkey pox. I'm not really in a rush to get out there. Don't go to circuit the company. The company circuit is already like a long convoluted structure just deal with like people with egos. And yeah, the kids a lot as those like doing that on top of not dying. It's kind of a pain. And as


you're not dying was at the top of that list. I could see how you have I could see that. Yeah, there's a lot of


like, until I'm able to like do take a deep breath without dying now really? I can't wait. I'm still gonna be funny. And like, I'm 30 now. It's like 35 Hopefully, I'll still be funny. I think so. Like, especially with doing this show. I'm still talking to myself. I think I feel bad. Hopefully


a Alright, so speaking of comedy, all right. So I'm glad you brought that up. I mean, I'm a huge Chappelle fan. I'm a huge Chappelle fan. Right. I was a definitely a Gilbert Godfrey fan. sad to hear what happened with me. Did you see the nor McDonald show?


Toma his last special Yep. I watched a few minutes. My girlfriend she's kind of she couldn't watch it because his life is different towers like shot is just like on a webcam, no audience, right just like him just talking to the camera. So it was it was a little weird. So it was asked to prepare myself to like, watch.


So write that down for me like, so is it? Is it? Are you kind of like in a different space in your head when you want something like that? Because, you know, because when you're in the industry and to you know, what Norm has done? That why you say that?


No, no, no, it's just like, a normal, traditional way of like shooting a special I gotcha. Like, if you will, if it would have been like, Oh, this is just more McDonald talking on like a YouTube video, it would have been different. But like, oh, they say, Oh, this is a special so you expect, oh, come on things, talk to the crowd or whatever credit. But like, No, this is one he's dead. Right? So it's like, this is his dad. This is basically rappers dying. And they got an album coming out like that. But like, Indian is no audience, it's just him rambling for like, 30 minutes into a webcam. So it's like, it's just a different type of interview.


Actually, I would say I would definitely implore you to take a look at it. Because I watched it after he passed because I saw it on I saw it on my feed. And then you know, and then it was like, you know, and I didn't it took me a while to kind of watch it right just from the standpoint because I mean, I'm I'm a little bit older than you I'm like I don't anyways but now man I'm so I remember norm back in the day growing up he was you know, he was the guy on Saturday live he did the news and and watch his show, dude, it was still funny. It was still funny. Like if you can put all that other stuff. Yeah, I mean, he's hilarious. But it was the end because it's David Spade is David Spade. Dave Chappelle. Who else? David Letterman. Adam Sandler. And the girl that played on SNL, she Molly something. And they're all sitting there just talking about their experience in the in credit is actually it's like 10 minutes, man. They're all sharing a story about watching norm and I was like, man, it's kind of tight. Like that was the part that kind of brought it together. Yeah, man. So Norm does his show. And then at the end, all those guys are watching and they're given their commentary on on on their remembrance of. Oh, okay. Anyways, I just thought I'd bring it up, man. I just I know.


It's interesting. I have to give a shout out to watch it alone. Can't watch it with my girlfriend. She can't she can't. She can't watch it. He dramatic. Like oh, I can do it. Oh, all right.


All right. So. So speaking so since you're a comedian, what was the last show? You did? And when was it?


Last, like maybe four weeks ago. Okay, my first show in like a year since I moved from Vegas. And I moved here to Texas. It was my first show here. Okay. Yeah, it was a fun of some. Some like big was supposed to be. A lot of people do live.


That's right. Here's my card.


Yeah. All right. Well, we they rub shoulders with Dave Chappelle? 40 years ago. All right. But yeah, I didn't do this showcase trying to like just show off my with a bunch of other people show all jokes. And honestly, I was a little nervous. Because it's been a minute but I did my I did myself I did.


Pretty good. Hey, have you ever Alright, have you ever have you ever tried to get on there's a there is like a comedian show right on Netflix. Like I can't remember what's called with they get the comedians together. And it's like a competition kind of deal. Have you ever thought about doing any of those things?


I'm sure I thought about it, but like, signed up for it. But they I'm gonna what looks just kind of like come off like, Oh, you're just not funny. He's really, really slow. Right? Really slow. And I like so I have like darker humor. So I'm like, yeah, so those competitions and stuff like that. They want you to have like, this like long amount of like, go back to back


to a game you got to not only be a game but bro we're looking for the next year next door.


And okay, so okay, this is a good example is you know how, like, when people say, Oh, I'm a rapper, so they Oh, alright, freestyle for me. Don't tell me I like okay, I'm not like it. I'm a writer. Like I like to sit down think about myself and put it all together. So it's taking me a while so I can't just like well, we have a conversation like right now I can think about. Like, if you'd be like, Hey, tell me.


Hey, I was literally about to ask you that. I was like, okay, but I was gonna set it up a little different. I was like, Alright, man, tell me your so it's your last set. Tell me your intro. Tell me your intro joke. Like, like walk me like tell me how your set went? Like give me a couple of jokes that you said. Or just give me a taste. So what it was like?


Wow, okay, those joked around last time. So just more of a like a, it's kind of you kind of age built kind of depends if this person creates something. It's about data till I get on stage. And since I was already nervous, so it kind of like flow with it. I was like, Hey, I'm sorry if I'm a little foggy up here, y'all. It seems like I'm a little foggy up here is I'm going through a mental break because a lot of comedians go through it is called ptptn. A post traumatic days and is the time of the year because he had just released something right. There's a time of the year where all your friends, family, coworkers, stuff, all that supportive kids. So I'm telling the truth. Like, Hey, George, that was a funny thing, man, you're very funny. He could tell like people are worth it to see that being said no surgery though. I've never laughed so hard in my life, ever, ever just like, just really go into it. It's basically talk about her like, oh, yeah, maybe I stopped doing that. Because that's preparedness to like, superstars. Like, give them an open mic. Like Well, being the rest of the film was basically about furniture, dealing with a child and then having a paying family $46 million. And I spend like six minutes trying to convince the crowd and parents who will complain that it wasn't enough to replace a member of the child beta process, if they shut the hell up.


I would definitely love to see your show. Man. I want to I definitely want to see all right. So if if you were to say, Okay, I know you're still kind of getting yourself back out there. Is there anything in the near Do you travel? Do you leave the state of Texas do you go? Or are you just working on your home base right now?


Right now, I'm just like mode just kind of doing like background producing? Because


you're like, I lost you there for a second your record producing what?


Oh, no. She does comedy as well. So like, since we moved in together, I'm like, Okay. I'm not really a spotlight guy. And like I explained with the whole writing thing. So I was like, okay, I can do producer and I can just like TV in the background help you out? Because if one of us make it, they both of us make in


both. That's right.


Yeah. So it was like, hey, so I don't mind I'm being the background, I don't care. You're funny. And I can help you out by being the die. So like, because a lot of people kind of like step over women in the comedy industry. So it's like, if I'm there to help you out, then you don't have to worry about it.


Alright, speaking of women, comedy. Oh, thank you. Do that. Alright, so I just recently watched part of Nikki Glaser's deal. So I'm trying to make sure I set up correctly. So she had a she had a thing, and I just recently saw it, right part of it. And and I'm starting to trying to think women sets her a little bit. Are they they are they are a little bit different than a men set. Is that true? Or are they attacking the same things? Like I just kind of figure like, you know, when I see like a woman up there, I just I expect it to go a different way. Is their approach? Is it is their approach different than men? Comedians, I don't know. Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. I'm asking you.


From what I've seen, I know what you're talking about. Because like, women end up doing the same jokes, but like, in a different way. Yeah. Not like me and have the big jokes with somebody bacon Parton is honest. Yeah. Women who aren't funny, do the same thing. Like, they talk about, oh, my God, I'm posting about sex all the time, and thinks that that's gonna fly all the time, because a lot of them are attractive. So they'll work for them. Right. But if you just like a male comedian, if you dig deep enough, you'll see past that they killed a lot of them for actually funny, bigoted people, some real stuff. So like, there's not a lot, unfortunately. But that's because of like, like I said, with the whole industry kind of pushing. actually funny women to the side, kind of have their problems so they kind of kind of resorts have to resort to like, sex to like, get attention, unfortunately.


So, so I'm literally thinking like, if y'all get into an argument, I mean, do y'all just go straight to the doesn't say, hey, you know, this is gonna settle it this way.


Well, right now, as of this recording, we haven't been into a lot of like real arguments, though. Oh,


hey, bud. Have you guys but have you been like, hey, let's let's set this. Let's Let's work on this play that does it. Let's see. I could imagine. I'm just thinking like, I'm just saying, a couple that are both comedians. Like, they're their livelihood is built on telling jokes and like, I could just imagine the two of you in the house like just, I'm gonna work on some new material and I'm gonna see if I can clown and get a little a clown on like, I mean, do you guys do you guys do?


We're always like, on defense or, like, if we do say something messed up to each other, we just kind of like, oh, we just lost and there's a joke anyway. So it's like so I definitely have more freedom more leeway. So like, I could call I can call her fat. And she had like, really offended everyone, you know? Like, especially Napoli was buzzing around.


Yeah, sure. I know. You messing around. Yeah. All right. So what's your inspiration though? Like, you know, we get we talked about being you talk about all that. But you've got to have I mean, everybody's got to have something that gets him there. But was the thing that got you?


Well, I'd get into comedy. Got it. I don't know. Like, I know a few comedians that got me into it. Like, how I got into it. I don't know, because I was introverted. I'm still introverted. Kid, like, all the way up until college, I was just lying to myself staying home, play Final Fantasy, for hours or whatever, right? And just kind of like, say to myself, but I think it was, it wasn't into college, you know, I took this acting class. And the guy said, hey, I can see you in a sitcom. And that is kind of like, work the frame are right. Okay, maybe, maybe you should have written for accents. But like, I think that on top of me trying to write for video games, like they also wanted the right story for it. So I just, I think so mixed together and just became comedy.


Wow. Yeah. That's kind of crazy. Because I mean, that's actually pretty dope. I mean, did impendent so and when did you do your very first set?


The last day of my, my job before I left? We left Vegas. 1909. Okay.


19 All right. So so you're gonna have to walk us through it. Try you know, give us the lead in up until you get on stage. Like, tell me like what was going through your mind? Tell me if you were, you know, butterflies were eating at you. Like, just walk me through that process? Because I can because being that's that's a whole nother thing, man. Like, you're, you're going out in front of everybody. You're exposing yourself, right?


Probably wasn't. It wasn't that many people. In those schools in the lunch room, my mother would say was my last day in Alabama talking to my homeboy. I'm like, Man thing went to a comedy and he just didn't he hit me up. He was like, Hey, I've been doing comics for like three years now. Oh, wait. I was like, but we don't need him to set something up. And just like impromptu not really tell him nobody. And I'm like, what they're going to fire me is my last job. My last day. During lunch, I brought in like whatever and just started doing these like, really terrible jokes. Now.


What was what was one of the jokes you told in the lunch? What was one of the jokes you told? I don't really know


much detail was more like it was about staying in my homeboys and he was rushing me to like give me access to my clippers when my hair clippers right just kept asking me if I was like in the middle of moving so I ended up accidentally give him my bowl Shavers. Like us to notice things that that was the whole joke always. Like now we're not friends. We go into a flame. Now all I can think about now is like, Oh, you got my ball here. And you're thinking man I was such a terrible joke. It was so bad. It was just like


that you did that bro. You like you even planned it out. Like you grabbed the mic. You brought it you specifically set up your last day you're like, This is how we go down.


It will be like set up like a secret. Just like a mic with nothing connected to it. No, like, why don't you bring a mic? No. Like I do. I'm ecstatic man. It's just like,


it was like just go with it. Just go with the flow. Last Day, come on now. But that's that's what's up to me. I mean, like I so I think of comedians, and you've told me you're a comedian. I'm like thinking that is actually its act as so many aspects that I that is so dope but it's like there's so many aspects of it that when you say you, you're an introvert, bro, you gotta climb out of your shell, don't you a little bit like


of course once you get on stage, everything's different but like, once once I get done, I'm going home. I'm not saying no after. I think that's part of my downfall too is like I'm not I don't really network either. kinda like, do you show him? Yeah showing though, and I kind of like hoped it like somebody see myself and was open. They're both like I'm not. So what I've seen a lot of people, especially back in Vegas, kind of the reason why I kind of like didn't really stay around is a lot of ass kissing, just like a lot of people who need to see the worst personalities. So life is less talent is more about like making friends and making the right friends, right nowadays, and that that's what I don't like, that's the one thing I don't like, entertainment business.


You know what I would say? I would I would piggyback off of that one, and I hear what you're saying. And I've kind of and I and I and I used to kind of think like that, like, I couldn't stand like and what I gotta do all this just, you know what I mean? Like, it's, it seems like it's too much work. Right? In so and then I started listening to start listening to podcasts, it was like, literally, like two years ago, maybe two and a half, three years ago. And I because I needed to change, like, just personally, right? Like I was overweight, and I needed to figure something out. And then next thing, you know, man, I just started kind of thinking to myself, Okay, look, just do it, stop thinking about it, and just do it, right. And once I got into that mindset, I just, I didn't let anything get in my way anymore. As far as stopping me from doing something, you know, whatever it may be. And I tried to make sure that I always base it off of it's about relationships. And that's, that's what it is, like, if you choose to truly build your network and base it on. It's about building relationships, everything else will kind of just happen. Well, you know what I'm saying? And that's kind of one of the things and Dude, it was a huge transformation. I was kind of sick, I got something happened. I had I had to make a change, let's just say that I would just kind of without getting too convoluted and going off the deep end with story. But yeah, man. And I tell my kids, a it's about building relationships, you may think you're kissing somebody's butter, you may think, can you but trust me, if you truly care about people, individuals, and you start building just relationships, and it happened, trust me. And so I don't want you to think that you got to kiss somebody but man, if you can build a strong relationship with somebody and say, Hey, man, I there's I don't want anything from you. This is who I am. You know,


I think I think I wouldn't have a big problem with the people that they weren't shoulders with. wasn't terrible. They were like, Oh, I feel like a lot of people, especially in comedy, like not really funny was like, No, but I completely understand what I think of as being slightly better.


There's nothing wrong with that, man. I'm sorry, I got a little bit of that me too. You know, you know, and, but I would say this, if you are in a very specialized field, and I would say man, just build those relationships and make you know, you never know what can happen next. Next Next thing you know, I probably if when we have by the time we have our next show, whenever that's gonna be right. I'll be like, Hey, George, you got time you're like, Hey, man, I can't get to talk to my publicist. You probably gonna be big time you're gonna be like, Hey, man, I can't really show and I'd be like okay George


about the podcast no more


and and I got time for that nonsense. sit around talking like


they could get out if you call me Don't call me during my blow


man a you know I don't want to keep you too long. I appreciate you to come through. I wanted to just do like maybe 45 minutes to an hour I enjoyed this. I don't know. I don't know if you want to do another one. Let's say like in a month or so. Like kind of do like a recap. And like just catch up I see what's going on.


Yeah, definitely. I'm down so long as long as I'm good over here. I'll shouldn't be too busy.


Hey, speaking of what do you do at night? You said you work at night? Yeah, it's your nine to five


Yes, my name is I'm actually going to quit I'm going to enter like two more days because when someone does have a job to call me up, and I'm not even given I'm not even given Walmart a two week notice anymore. Who's gonna Hey, you're no Irish go back.


Hey, are you gonna go in there with the mic on your last day?


No, I'm one way better now. I'm like I just dropped some merchant stickers


Oh man, I appreciate you coming out Georgia one podcast if you want to follow them. What is what is your what is your website? Regular as comedy dot club and if you want to follow my man, you can follow him on Twitter at


add regular has George two s's on Twitter who is on Instagram?


There you go. And it's Lincoln Bradshaw. You can follow us at APO podcast and we are out All



45th Pleading the 5th
AZ Jails
Kia Boys
Stand Up Comedy
Last Day at Work